Welcome members and potential members, to the Bearbrass Probus homepage.
Well folks we are into the second month of spring and the club continues to go gangbusters! Our membership is currently 82 (a record) with three new members to be inducted at the November meeting, so a large turnup of members and guests would be fabulous to welcome the newbies into our special brand of fun and friendship.
We have plenty of excursions and events on offer over the coming months including a joint event with our neighbour club to celebrate Probus Month at Seafarers, the November general meeting and to end the year, our Christmas function in December. In addition to these events we have the regular coffee group, craft group, ten pin bowling, wine tasting, two movie groups and other activities.
If you are a visitor to this page, please feel free to browse around and if something takes your interest contact us on bearbrassprobus@gmail.com or call our friendly secretary Judy on 0421 037 555.
I would also like to thank the City of Melbourne for their generous financial grants which allow our club to keep membership fees as low as possible.
Keep having fun, keep meeting new friends, and get the most from your club by being involved! Remember, your best friend could be someone you haven't even met yet!
Shane 😊